Anthony Smoak Final Project: Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau



I recently earned a verified course certificate from Coursera in the “Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau” class. This class is the 3rd offered in the “Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business” Coursera Specialization. I’m looking forward to taking a couple more MOOCs dealing with Tableau and visualization to supplement and reinforce existing knowledge. I would recommend the class to anyone looking to frame an analysis and learn a good bit about using Tableau.


  1. Hi Anthony,
    Hope you’re doing well. So I’m a beginner level user of Tableau and I’m still struggling with using the right variables to draw up my analysis. I was wondering if you still had you tableau project file? That would help me with my own analysis. Thanks.



  2. Hi Anthony,
    Hope you’re doing well. So I’m still a beginner level Tableau user and struggling with choosing the right variables. I was wondering if you still had the tableau file for this project? That would help me build up my own analysis.



    1. Unfortunately I no longer have that analysis on hand. That was a long time ago but thank you for watching and commenting.



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